We produce monthly, quarterly and annual economic reports and analysis, including NADA Data, NADA Market Beat, ATD Truck Beat, Dealership Financial Profiles and More.

NADA Data and Market Beat
The NADA Data financial profile of new-car dealerships is now published twice a year--as a full annual review at year-end and as a midyear update.
NADA Market Beat is a monthly economic report.
ATD Data and Truck Beat
ATD Data--the annual financial profile of new-truck dealerships--presents an overview of franchised new medium- and heavy-duty truck dealerships.
ATD Truck Beat is a quarterly economic report on the state of the truck dealership industry.

State by State Data
See how franchised new-car and truck dealers contribute to the national and state economies.

Auto Retailing: State by State
Body copy would go here, giving a bit more detail about things.

Truck Retailing: State by State
Body copy would go here, giving a bit more detail about things.