ATD Member Benefits
In addition to continuous advocacy efforts made on your behalf, ATD members enjoy a variety of benefits to help keep their dealerships humming.
- Premier Education Resources
20 Group* lets you learn from the best, your peers, supported by world-class consultants and ATD.
ATD Academy* turns dealers and managers into world-class leaders in their stores and communities. Held at ATD headquarters in metropolitan Washington, Academy classes are combined with critical, hands-on experience back in the store.
Driven Management Guides cover a wide variety of topics critical to dealership operations. Members can search and download over 100 guides on various dealership topics in a PDF format.
Online Courses incorporate real-world simulations and interactivity to increase user engagement and overall knowledge retention.
Webinars are 30-minute online seminars presented by industry subject matter experts and focus on solutions to key issues affecting your dealership.
Workshop Recordings bring the best of the annual ATD and NADA Show directly to your dealership with on-demand recordings of all workshop presentations. Workshops include video recordings, presentation slides and handout materials.
In-Dealership Consulting Services* can help your dealership's profitability. ATD's experts assist you in finding and fixing problems, applying best practices and executing solutions.
Regulatory Resources includes compliance-oriented guides, bulletins, news, and updates.
The annual ATD Workforce Study is free for all participating members. Data collected and analyzed includes salaries, benefits, retention and turnover rates.
*additional costs apply to Academy, 20 Group and custom ATD training
- Discounts
Attend ATD Show and NADA Show, the industry events of the year, at a discounted rate, only available to ATD and NADA members.
UPS discounts: ATD members have access to new and improved flat rate pricing.
NADA/ATD Affinity Provider Program: ATD members can access vendor products and services at discounted rates.
- Government Advocacy
ATD’s success lies with its powerful grassroots lobbying efforts, which are most effective when local dealers meet with their members of Congress to advocate on behalf of all dealers and their customers.
This team effort involving ATD, state and metro dealer associations and ATD’s dealer members strengthens ATD’s ability to advocate on behalf of local dealerships everywhere and target engagement to dealer-specific issues.
NADA PAC, one of the largest and most active political action committees of any trade association, represents the interests of all franchised new-car and -truck dealers by supporting pro-dealer candidates of both political parties.
While ATD works hard in Washington on behalf of local dealerships, it coordinates efforts with state and metro dealer associations through the Automotive Trade Association Executives (ATAE).
- Improving Manufacturer Relations
ATD is the dealer’s best advocate in dealer-manufacturer relations, addressing concerns with manufacturers and distributors.
Twice each year, ATD delivers the results of its semiannual Dealer Attitude Survey to each manufacturer to discuss the positives and negatives of manufacturer performance and initiatives, including incentive programs.
Key economic reports, including NADA Data and ATD Data (annual financial profiles of new-car and -truck dealerships), an annual ATD economic forecast, quarterly economic briefings and the Dealership Workforce Study, place ATD at the forefront of industry information.
- Regulatory Compliance
As an ATD member, you’ll be able to browse regulatory topics, compliance-oriented guides, updates, and other reference materials to help your dealership departments thrive.
- NADA Foundation
The NADA Foundation—begun in 1975—promotes initiatives sponsored by franchised dealers.
The Ambassador Program distributes hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in grants to local charities. The Emergency Relief Program has distributed millions of dollars to dealership employees and their families affected by disasters, including hurricanes, major storms and floods. The Workforce Initiative promotes the benefits of dealership jobs in local communities—with a particular focus on service technician jobs.
- Retirement and Insurance
NADA Retirement from Empower offers members access to one of the best-in-class retirement plans.
ATD-endorsed life insurance programs are available exclusively to dealer members from New York Life.
- News and Publications
NADA Headlines is a daily newsletter compilation of the latest industry-related news, delivered via email. Members with valid email addresses will automatically receive this benefit.
ATD Insider is a weekly newsletter for heavy-duty truck members. ATD members automatically receive this electronic publication via email.

Scott Spurgeon
Suite 500
Tysons, VA 22102