New Directors Join NADA Analytical Services Group
MCLEAN, Va. (April 25, 2007) - NADA Analytical Services Group (NADA ASG), formerly known as the N.A.D.A. Official Used Car Guide® Company, announced two appointments to its senior leadership team this month. Marilynn Youngs was named senior director of sales and marketing, effective April 2nd, and Stuart Zalud was appointed director of dealer services, on April 23rd. Both will report to Mike Stanton, NADA ASG vice president and chief operating officer.
“We are very pleased to welcome these two new directors,” said Stanton. “Marilynn and Stu each bring an enormous wealth of knowledge and industry experience with them to NADA Analytical Services Group that will complement the editorial and analytical staff that is currently in place.”
Highly respected within the automotive industry, Youngs has more than 20 years of experience in sales and marketing with Ford Motor Company. In her role as senior director, Marilynn will be responsible for leading all the company's sales, marketing and customer service efforts. “With Marilynn, we have a strong leader who can execute our brand strategy and drive growth through expanded products and services,” said Stanton. “We're excited about our new direction and the contributions Marilynn will bring to that effort.”
Leveraging over 30 years of automotive retail experience, Stu Zalud will manage and grow the business with franchised and independent dealers. In his role as director of dealer services, Zalud will be responsible for promoting NADA ASG's data and services to dealers, presenting at various industry events, and strategically positioning NADA ASG's products and services for future growth.
“Stu is a proven leader who brings the dealer perspective and insight into this new role,” said Stanton. “He understands both our challenges and opportunities and will be instrumental in broadening our relationships with dealers.” Zalud has served on the NADA Board of Directors, ASG Board of Directors, and was chairperson of both the Greater Cleveland and Ohio Automobile Dealers Associations.
These two appointments complete the senior leadership team at NADA ASG, which includes Terrance Wynne, director of analytical services, and Doug Pascarella, director of information technology.
“I believe this senior leadership team has the insight, industry experience, and drive to fulfill our mission of 'Accelerating Vehicle Information,' ” added Stanton. “We recognize the changes going on in the marketplace and we are committed to staying ahead of those changes in the analysis and services we provide our customers.”
Media Contacts

Jared Allen