NADA Chairman Willey Highlights NADA’s Role in Enhancing Dealer Performance, Profitability


LAS VEGAS (Feb. 5, 2007)-In his remarks at the National Automobile Dealers Association's (NADA) 90th Annual Convention and Exposition today, Chairman Dale Willey urged dealers to use all resources available to continue to enhance their performance and profitability, including NADA's programs and services.

Noting the association's important role in his own growth and success as a dealer through the years, Willey said, “NADA can help every dealer become more profitable.  It helped me and it can help you.”

Among the NADA programs Willey referenced was the “Lifeline to Profits” workshop series, which offers dealers expert advice by 20 Group consultants and Dealer Academy instructors. “This is a talented and knowledgeable group,” he said. “They're a good place to turn for fresh ideas.”

Willey also highlighted the importance of NADA's active dialogue with manufacturers, legislators and regulators. 

“We need to make certain that our manufacturers never forget that dealers are one of their most important assets,” he said. “When dealers succeed, manufacturers succeed.”

On the legislative front, he cited congressional movement on vehicle total-loss disclosure as an example of the effectiveness of NADA's government relations programs.

And in the regulatory arena, he noted that dealers have to comply with 114 federal regulations, underscoring the value of NADA's guidance and communications to help dealers navigate in a complex business landscape.

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