Going Big With Accessories

Track: Fixed Operations

Saturday, January 28, 1:00 - 1:20 PM

Room: Dealer Learning Lab

Presenters: Brian Crossin

Want to go big with accessories? Take your sales to the next level with easy-to-implement strategies. Gain an all-in approach that leverages your current and cutting-edge technology, high-quality sales training, and departmental collaboration to create an interactive experience customers won't want to miss.


Brian Crossin

Brian Crossin


Academy Instructor

Brian Crossin is an NADA/ATD Academy instructor with 21-plus years of fixed operations experience, including 12 years as an award-winning certified master parts manager. He specializes in process improvement, retail growth, e-commerce and change management. Crossin is certified by the Association of Talent Development as a master trainer and is also certified in change management.