Exhibitor Badges & Housing
Please read the Important Information and Guidelines below before you begin making hotel reservations and requesting your exhibitor badges.
Maritz is the only Official Housing Contractor for the NADA Show.
Explore the map of official NADA hotels.
We welcome your participation in New Orleans as an NADA exhibiting partner, and offer our assistance in securing hotel accommodations and acquiring badges for your exhibit personnel. You will be able to register your booth personnel and manage your housing block on the same website. Once your booth space is assigned, you will be able to log into the Exhibitor Resource Center where you can access the Exhibitor Registration & Housing site. Please note that this is the only way to access Exhibitor Registration where you will be able to register all your booth personnel and secure hotel accommodations for nine or fewer rooms, or submit a block request form to NADA Registration & Housing for larger hotel room blocks. View the map of New Orleans hotels.
Please Note: Cancellation of your booth space will result in automatic cancellation of your housing and exhibitor badges.

ALERT: Avoid impostor or scam emails and phone calls claiming to provide housing services on behalf of NADA for the 2025 NADA Show. Maritz is the one and only official housing provider, and can only be accessed via the Exhibitor Resource Center. Also be aware of email or other communications from vendors and contractors offering assistance in the host city. These communications may wrongly suggest that the company is endorsed by or connected with NADA. If you have any questions, contact us.

Important Dates
December 2, 2024 by 5 PM ET - Deadline for submitting rooming list and names for room blocks exhibit personnel to NADA Registration & Housing. Any rooms not used in your block by this date will be subject to release.
December 9, 2024 by 5 PM ET - Last day to cancel paid exhibitor badges or Exhibitor w/Education Badges to receive a refund. A $50 cancellation fee applies per cancellation. Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded.
January 8, 2025 by 5 PM ET - Final Deadline for Housing Changes (Note: Some hotels may have earlier deadlines )
January 13, 2025 - Contact hotel(s) directly for any reservation needs.
Registration Information
- Register all employees of your company who will be in New Orleans to work in your company's booth. Exhibitor badges permits entrance/admission to the Expo Hall, Main Stage, and the Lifestyle Center on Sunday only. It does NOT include admission to
Education Sessions. For other badge options, see below. - Each exhibiting company will be allotted four (4) complimentary badges for every 100 square feet of space confirmed, up to a maximum of sixty (60) badges per booth. Additional exhibitor badges or Exhibitor w/Education badges, for those wishing to attend NADA Education Sessions, may be purchased based on the rates outlined below.
Registration Category | Early Rate (Through Sept. 6, 2024) | Advance Rate (Sept. 7, 2024 - Nov 15, 2024) | Regular Rate (Nov 16, 2024 - Jan 22, 2025) | Onsite Rate (Jan 23-26, 2025) |
NADA Exhibitor (Additional badges) | $699 | $799 | $899 | $999 |
NADA Exhibitor w/Education | $899 | $999 | $1099 | $1,199 |
- All badges will be picked up by the individual booth personnel unless your badge allotment is 20+ badges and you select bulk badge pick-up during the registration process.
Individual Reservations (9 or less hotel rooms)
- You may book nine (9) or fewer rooms by indicating this the first time you log into the site and verify the contact information. If you require more than nine rooms, please see below for room blocks of 10 or more rooms. Confirmed Exhibitors will receive an email with your password and a web link needed to enter your complimentary exhibitor badges and to reserve your housing. A credit card guarantee will be required at the time each reservation is made. One night’s room and tax per reservation will be charged in January 2025.
- HOUSING DEADLINE: The official housing deadline is 5PM ET, January 8, 2025. Between January 9 - January 12, changes cannot be made to your reservations(s) with Maritz or the hotel while reservations are being processed. Beginning January 13, 2025, you will need to contact the hotel directly to change and/or cancel your reservation.
- CANCELLATIONS: All cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to nadaexh@maritz.com. Your reservation is guaranteed against the credit card given when making your reservation. The hotel(s) will receive reservation information after January 8, 2025. Once your card is charged, the advanced deposit of one night’s room & tax will be credited to your folio upon arrival. Cancellations made WITHIN the time period specified in your hotels individual cancellation policy will result in FORFEITURE of your entire deposit and loss of your reservation. Failure to check in on your scheduled day of arrival or cancel your hotel reservation at least 72 hours to 14 days (varies depending on the hotel) prior to your arrival will result in a one night's room and tax penalty.
The hotel will charge a one night's room and tax deposit to your card on or after January 8, 2025. Failure to check in on your scheduled day of arrival or cancellation of your hotel reservation at least 72 hours prior to your arrival will result in forfeiture of your entire deposit. Be sure to verify check out dates at check in as an early check out fee of one night room and tax will result in an early departure fee.
Room Blocks (10 or more rooms)
- ROOM BLOCK: You will be able to log into the NADA Registration & Housing website to request a block of rooms. Please select "10 or more rooms" the first time you log into the site and verify the contact information. Follow the instructions and submit your block.
- HOTEL ASSIGNMENTS: Based on the following criteria. Note: Depending on room availability, exhibitor personnel may be assigned to more than one hotel.
- Prior years of participation in the NADA Expo
- The date your booth was assigned
- The date your request was received
- Hotel availability at the time hotel rooms are being assigned
- It is possible that some of your hotel choices will be sold out by the time your booth is assigned. It is important that you select five (5) hotels. NADA cannot guarantee that you will be placed in your first choice hotel, no matter when your Housing Request is received. If your first choice hotel is sold out, we will try to place you in one of your alternate choices, based on availability. If all of your hotel choices are sold out, NADA Registration & Housing will contact you to discuss hotel options prior to assigning your reservations.
- ROOM BLOCK CONFIRMATION AND GUARANTEE: You will receive notification of your room block within 5 business days. All blocks require a credit card guarantee to complete the block request process. Once you receive notification of your assigned block you will need to review, accept, and guarantee your block with a credit card within 14 days, or your block will be released.
- METHOD OF PAYMENT: You must select a method of payment by either selecting to have each reservation charged to a credit card or setting up a master account. If you do not have a master account set-up, you will need to have a credit card listed for each reservation so that a deposit may be collected by the hotel in January 2025.
- REGISTRATIONS AND ROOMING LIST MUST COME THROUGH YOU: As the official contact, you are responsible for entering the registrations and rooming list through the exhibitor registration & housing website. All confirmations will be sent to the Primary Exhibitor Contact, not individuals.
- HOUSING DEADLINE: The official housing deadline is 5:00 PM ET, January 8, 2025. Between January 9 - January 12, changes cannot be made to your reservation(s) with Maritz or the hotel while reservations are being processed. Beginning January 13, 2025, you will need to contact the hotel directly to change and/or cancel your reservation.
- CANCELLATION PENALTY: Cancellations must come in writing by emailing nadaexh@maritz.com. A credit card is required to guarantee each hotel reservation. Cancellations can be made without penalty up to 5:00 PM ET on December 2, 2024. After this date, a one (1) night room & tax cancellation penalty will be assessed for each canceled reservation.
The hotel will charge a one night's room and tax deposit to your card on or after January 8, 2024. Cancellations made with the hotel or failure to check in on your scheduled day of arrival will result in forfeiture of your deposit. Be sure to verify check out dates at check in as an early check out fee of one night room and tax will result in an early departure fee.
Contact Information
If you need assistance, contact NADA Exhibitor Registration & Housing directly at nadaexh@maritz.com or 864.342.6257.
If you require a suite, please send your request to nadaexh@maritz.com. NADA Exhibitor Registration & Housing will follow up with you to verify the details of your suite needs.