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Emergency Relief Fund

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NADA Foundation Workforce Initiative

Your gift will support the NADA Foundation’s core mission of promoting the benefits of dealership careers with prospective employees.
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General Fund

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McCarthy Memorial Program

The Frank E. McCarthy Memorial Program benefits Canine Companions, a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.

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Ambassadors Program

With a contribution of $10,000 to the Ambassadors Program, you or any person or entity you designate, is named an Ambassador of the Foundation.  Beginning three years after the full amount has been received, a grant will be presented every three years in the Ambassador’s name to a non-profit organization selected by the Ambassador, which may be an educational institution in the private or public sector, an institution involved in economic education, or an emergency medical organization. The grant amount is reviewed periodically by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees to ensure that the amount is supported by investment returns.

While the Foundation has never failed to convey the every-three-years gift of Ambassadors, it is recognized that the Board of Trustees is allowed to reduce, delay or suspend gifting during times when, in its judgment, dire economic circumstances make such actions prudent or necessary.
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